CIS251 Web 2.0 Banners

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Pixel Perfect - Web 2.0 Banners

Take your Web site to the next level by making it more web 2.0. Whether your are designing an action banner, a process banner or a header banner, you need to push the edge of design to get your graphic element noticed.

Action Banners

When viewers come to you Web page, you probably want them to "do something" -- read an article, download a file, fill in a form, or buy a product. An action banner is a strategically placed banner ad that encourages the user to take action.

Process Banners

A process banner is a graphic element that uses the web 2.0 design strategy of simplicity to encourage the user to take action. An action slogan, such as "Easy as 1-2-3," "3 easy steps," "In just 3 simple steps," or "It Really is That Simple" combined with instructions lets the viewer know that "down-loading the e-book" or "signing up for a newsletter" is an easy three-step process.

Header Banners

Placing a header banner at the top of your Web site or blog is a good start! The horizontal header banner usually contains a logo, a tagline, and other graphic elements, such as social media buttons, and is usually designed in an eye-popping color that establishes the color scheme of the entire site.