CIS251 Web 2.0 Animation

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Web 2.0 Animations

An animated GIF (Graphic Interchange Format) is a moving image, similar to s small video clip -- for example, a flag that waves, text that scrolls across the screen, or an image that transitions into another image. An animated GIF is a single file that contains a number of layers that change slightly from layer to layer. Each layer represents a different frame of the animation. When the frames are displayed in rapid sequence,they appear to be moving.

The GIMP® application has a basic GIF animator under the filters tab that can be used to make simple text and image animations. With the Filter tab, you can preview your videos, edit them, and optimize them as GIF images for display on the Web.

If you want to create more sophisticated GIF animations with a large number of frames, you will need to download GAP (GIMP Animation Package), which is a collection of GIMP plugins that make it easier to create animations in sequences of individual frames. Although this method is a bit more advanced than the GIMP®'s default animation, it will allow you to create smoother animations much more quickly.

The following instructions written by Andrew Bonnington at are easy to follow -- at least I was able to download and install the program in ONE try! (Thank you, Mr. Bonnington)

How to Download and Install GAP for GIMP®