CIS251 Web 2.0 Badges

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Web 2.0 Badges

OMG! It really can't be this easy --or can it? I can't wait to see how impressed you are with yourself when you start creating these professional-looking badges after just one tutorial! I mean, really, how did we ever design a Web page without these trendy eye catchers?

Go Berserk with Badges

You see these 3-D badges splashed on Web sites everywhere! You may recognize this eye-catching element by a different name, a burst -- as in star burst, cloud burst, or sun burst. With their gradient shades of neon colors, these trendy little badges draw the viewer's attention to a short message, such as FREE, BETA, or PRO.

Although GIMP® does not have a built-in shapes tool, it does have a great filter tool called gfig that you can use to create all of the shapes in our badges collage. Just add some outlines, glow effects, and text and you will be limited only by time and imagination! Just imagine what you can create!